
As a mother, entrepreneur and inventor Milena Djankovic felt the need to help fellow moms find a practical solution to one of the most demanding tasks of motherhood –rocking babies to sleep. Parenthood can be challenging and rewarding at the same time. On top of their child’s needs, parents also have to tend to their other daily responsibilities. Her search for a portable, yet comfortable rocking solution led her and her husband, Mladen, to invent the Ready Rocker™. Through their product and company, RockerMama, Milena Djankovic’s concept became a cost-effective solution that allows every caregiver to have the luxury of rocking their baby anytime, anywhere. 

In the process of conceptualizing the Ready Rocker™, Milena Djankovic found out that a baby is rocked a million times during the first year.  She also discovered benefits of this movement for the baby such as reducing colic and stimulating the vestibular system that controls equilibrium, increases motor development, and improves the regulation of breathing. Above all, Milena most cherished the bonding time with her baby. Through RockerMama’s Ready Rocker™, Milena is revolutionizing the act of rocking a baby while placing the importance on the caregiver and offering opportunities to parents nationwide.  She currently resides in Los Angeles, CA with her husband, son, and daughter.


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